Business Insider


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A Timeline of the Twists Since 'Baby Reindeer' Was Released, Leading to Fiona Harvey Suing Netflix for $170 Million

On June 6, Harvey's representatives filed a lawsuit against Netflix, seeking more than $170 million in damages.

Business News

6 Signs You're Good at Your Job, According to an HR Exec With Over 35 Years of Experience

Here's what to look for so you can spend less time worrying.

Business News

Texas Is Poised to Get Its Own Stock Exchange — With Less Red Tape Than the NYSE or Nasdaq

Texas is home to more Fortune 500 companies than any other state, including Exxon Mobil, AT&T, and Phillips 66.

Business News

Emails Show Elon Musk Diverted a $500 Million Shipment of Nvidia Chips Intended for Tesla to X Instead

Musk owns and is the CTO of X and serves as the CEO of Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink, and The Boring Company.

Business News

10 of America's Most Affordable Retirement Spots, Where the Weather Is Good and Healthcare Is Top-Notch

No. 1 is a small Florida town that may not be on your radar.

Business News

A Cybertruck Owner Says Fingerprints Aren't a Problem If You Polish the Exterior to a Mirror-like Finish

The small business owner who tackled the project, The Polishing Guy, estimated the job took about a week and 120 man-hours with three other employees.